
Swedish Police Discover Sexual Assaults by Kindergarten Employee on Girls in Preschools

FALCON POWERS- The municipality of Ljusdal in the Jämtland province of Sweden expressed its regret following the results of an investigation confirming that a former employee at several municipal preschools sexually assaulted nine young girls, and possibly more, from 2018 to 2024. Mayor Linnea van Väginen stated in a press conference that the assaults occurred inside the preschool and were recorded by the employee himself.

Initial official investigations showed no evidence indicating that the preschool employee had committed these assaults. However, during the investigation, content was found on the suspect’s devices linked to the preschool and the young girls. The police recently raided the man’s home and searched it, only to find him dead, without clarifying the circumstances of his death.

The police confirmed that serious sexual assaults had occurred against nine girls after conducting a preliminary investigation, and the number could be much higher. However, they closed the investigations due to the suspect’s death. The director of one of the preschools described the incidents as “horrific,” noting that the accused had worked in the preschools for a long time. The municipality commented on the incident, stating that it would take all possible measures to ensure such incidents do not happen again.

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