
The Iranian attack by the numbers: number of missiles and drones…

Falconpowers – Here are the key details about the Iranian attack on Israel according to the reports:

– Iran launched over 330 drones and missiles in the attack, which lasted around 5 hours.
– Specifically, Iran launched:
  – 185 attack drones
  – 110 surface-to-surface missiles
  – 36 cruise missiles
– The majority of the launches were from Iranian territory, with a smaller portion coming from Yemen and Iraq.
– The Israeli military said most of the missiles launched from Iran were intercepted outside of Israeli borders.
– Israeli sources said around 150 missiles were launched at Israel, and 99% of them were intercepted by missile defense systems.
– This was described as the first time Iran has directly and militarily attacked Israel, despite decades of hostility between the two countries.

In summary, the Iranian attack involved a large-scale barrage of drones, missiles, and cruise missiles targeting Israel, with the majority of the projectiles intercepted before reaching Israeli territory. It marked a significant escalation in the conflict between Iran and Israel.

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