Gaza war

Israeli Occupation Forces Execute Palestinian Civilian Woman

FALCON POWERS – The Israeli occupation forces executed a Palestinian civilian woman on the bypass road 60, north of Hebron.

The General Authority for Civil Affairs informed the Ministry of Health of the martyrdom of Maymouna Abdulhameed Harahsha (20 years old) due to Israeli occupation gunfire in northern Hebron.

An eyewitness stated that the occupation soldiers executed a Palestinian girl on the bypass road.

He added in his interview with FALCON POWERS correspondent in Hebron that the occupation soldiers fired several shots at close range towards the girl, who fell to the ground soaked in her own blood.

He continued, “I was inside a car crossing the street, and I saw the occupation soldiers aiming their rifles at the girl, who was standing calmly without making any suspicious movements. Then the soldiers opened fire on her.”

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