Economy & Business

Turkey Suspends All Trade Relations with Israel

FALCON POWERS – According to Bloomberg, citing Turkish officials, Ankara has halted all export and import operations with Israel as of Thursday.

The agency, quoting informed Turkish officials, explained that “Ankara has suspended all exports and imports to and from Israel starting from Thursday.” It should be noted that Turkey has not officially announced this decision, and the agency did not provide any further details.

Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid considered Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s closure of Turkish ports to Israeli exports and imports as a “violation of agreements.”

Earlier, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan announced a set of sanctions against Israel due to its actions in the Gaza Strip. The sanctions will remain in place until Israel ensures the delivery of humanitarian aid and declares a ceasefire.

The Turkish Ministry of Trade stated in a statement that “the decision to restrict exports to Israel includes 54 products, including cement, construction iron, flat steel, marble, and ceramics.”

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