Lebanon and Gaza War

Netanyahu’s Son Launches Attack on Israeli Security Chiefs

FALCON POWERS – Yair Netanyahu, the son of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, posted on his Instagram page, describing 3 of the country’s top security officials as “deadly failures”.

The post includes a video showing images of the Israeli Army Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, Shin Bet (Internal Security Agency) chief Ronen Bar, and Military Intelligence Director Aharon Haliva.

The video was accompanied by the caption: “3 deadly failures are appointments by one man.”

It then transitions to another clip showing Benny Gantz, the outgoing Defense Minister and head of the National Unity party, with the caption “King of the Idea.”

The three individuals mentioned were appointed during the government of Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid, when Gantz was serving as Defense Minister.

According to The Times of Israel, the “idea” is the term used to refer to the officials accused of failure, which led to Hamas’ attack on October 7th.

The word “idea” also suggests that “Hamas preferred calm on the Gaza border and obtaining funding from the international community, rather than engaging in an all-out war with Israel.”

Many opponents have accused current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of being the “father of the idea”.

On Sunday, Gantz announced his resignation from the emergency government formed by Netanyahu.

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