Category : The Middle East

Gaza warThe Middle East

Massive protests in Tel Aviv demanding Netanyahu’s resignation

Hundreds of people gathered on a main thoroughfare in Qaysariya near the private residence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, carrying signs and chanting slogans demanding his resignation. The protest, which took place on Saturday night, was one of several marches in recent weeks. One of the protesters, a local resident......
Gaza warThe Middle East

At least 12 Palestinians drown trying to retrieve aid parcels dropped into the sea

  At least 12 Palestinians drowned off the northern Gaza coast near Beit Lahia on Monday while trying to reach airdropped parcels that had landed in the sea, according to local paramedics. Footage obtained by CNN shows hundreds of Palestinians rushing to the site of the aid drop, with some venturing into......
Gaza warThe Middle East

“The Gaza Strip, after the ongoing genocide, is only suitable for one thing!”

Amidst the ongoing massacre of Palestinian civilians, accompanied by a disturbing silence from the international community and a lack of effective political intervention, a Palestinian individual described to “Falcon Powers” newspaper that the Gaza Strip has become unsuitable for any purpose – neither for decent living nor for a normal......
Gaza warThe Middle East

US reportedly approves transfer to Israel of bombs and jets worth billions

Sources say weapons package authorized even as Washington expresses public concern over anticipated offensive in RafahThe US in recent days authorized the transfer of billions of dollars worth of bombs and fighter jets to Israel, two sources familiar with the effort said on Friday, even as Washington publicly expresses concerns......
The Middle East

!Sudan is heading towards a new division

Unexpectedly, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) formed what the Civil Administration of Governance Affairs in Al-Jazeera State referred to as the “coordination” between them. The new administration stated in a statement that it would work on providing basic services and protecting civilians in coordination with the RSF. The RSF, led......