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Computer Simulation Predicts Imminent Mass Extinction of Humans and Plants

Falcon powers – According to a computer simulation, humans and plants are facing an imminent mass extinction due to their inability to adapt to new living conditions and tolerate temperatures ranging from 40 to 70 degrees Celsius.

However, this computer simulation did not take into account the issue of global warming and the significant emission of greenhouse gases resulting from the burning of fossil fuels. Therefore, the researchers behind the study believe that excessive consumption of fossil fuels will accelerate the date of human extinction much sooner.

Dr. Alexander Farnsworth, the supervisor of the study, suggests that humanity will face an extremely dark future on planet Earth in the long term.

He further adds that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere may double their current levels, and due to the inability of humans and many other living creatures to dissipate heat from their bodies under such high temperatures, they will ultimately succumb to death.

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