Gaza war

Erdogan Launches Fresh Attack on Netanyahu: His Genocide Methods in Gaza Evoke Hitler’s Envy

FALCON POWERS – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has stated that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reached a “level of genocide methods that evokes envy” from Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

These remarks were made in an interview with the Greek newspaper Kathimerini, published on Sunday, on the eve of Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ visit to Ankara.

President Erdogan addressed the devastating Israeli war on the Gaza Strip and pointed out that Netanyahu has surpassed Hitler in his “genocide methods.”

He stated, “Netanyahu has reached a level of genocide methods that makes Hitler envious.”

President Erdogan also highlighted that “Hamas agreed to a ceasefire, but Israel does not want that and fabricates excuses due to its desire to occupy the entire Gaza Strip.”

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