
Euroviews. New governments are forming all over the world. They must act now for children in conflict

FALCON POWERS – Over 50 countries have or will go to the polls this year. As new governments are formed, they must live up to their legal obligations to protect children in Gaza and beyond, War Child CEO Rob Williams writes.

We are halfway through one of the biggest election years in history. In 2024, people in 50 countries will vote to decide which individuals will lead their country. EU member countries have also already voted in their representatives in the European Parliament.

These leaders — both new and old — will be stepping into their roles at a particularly tumultuous time in history.

Conflicts raging in Ukraine, Sudan, and the Middle East have the potential to expand and become even more devastating. The role of the international community of states in calming and managing conflict is more important than ever.

Incoming presidents and prime ministers will be responsible for ensuring that the international laws established by the UN to protect civilians and, in particular, children are upheld.

Because 75 years ago, the world agreed to a set of rules to prevent the devastation of World War II.

Yet, despite these rules we once agreed to, the world is perhaps more dangerous for children today than it was then.

The most at-risk generation of children is about to be born

Right now, the daily death rate in Gaza far exceeds any other conflict of the 21st century. There, tens of thousands of children have been killed by Israel in flagrant violation of these same rules. Education has ground to a halt, and children are starving.

In Ukraine, Russia continues to strike schools and children’s hospitals, causing unbridled suffering.

Reports suggest that 24 million children in Sudan are exposed to brutality and rights violations. Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo has forced around 2.8 million children to flee their homes.

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