Gaza warThe Middle East

Gaza Health: Israeli Occupation Commits 5 Massacres, Resulting in 51 Deaths Within 24 Hours

FALCON POWERS – The toll of the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip since October 7th has risen to 34,356 martyrs and 77,368 injured, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza.

The Israeli occupation committed five massacres in the past 24 hours, resulting in 51 deaths and 75 injuries admitted to hospitals in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli forces continued their intense bombardment across various areas of the Gaza Strip on Friday morning, entering the third day of the two-hundred-day aggression.

Three civilians, including a child and a woman, were martyred, and others were injured in an airstrike carried out by Israeli warplanes on a house in the Al-Remal neighborhood west of Gaza City. Israeli warplanes also targeted the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood south of Gaza City.

In Rafah, south of the Strip, a fisherman was martyred and another was injured by Israeli occupation forces while they were working off the coast of the city. Rescue and ambulance crews also managed to recover the body of a victim from under the rubble of the Jouda family’s house in Al-Shabura camp, which was targeted by an Israeli airstrike last Saturday.

Israeli artillery shelled the Al-Nusairat and Al-Bureij refugee camps in the central Gaza Strip, simultaneously demolishing houses and structures in the town of Al-Mughraqa.

On Friday morning, Israeli warplanes carried out intense airstrikes targeting the northern areas of the Nusairat and Al-Maghazi camps, as well as the town of Al-Zawaida in the central Gaza Strip. Israeli artillery also shelled areas north of the Nusairat camp, Beit Lahia town, and the eastern areas north of the Strip. Additionally, Israeli occupation forces opened fire with automatic weapons along the northern border fence.

Israeli warplanes also conducted fierce airstrikes on the Al-Safa Mosque in the Al-Tuffah neighborhood of Gaza City, as well as on the Al-Zaytoun and Al-Shuja’iya neighborhoods east of the city, in conjunction with artillery shelling by the Israeli occupation.

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