Asylum & Migration

High-Ranking Tunisian Police Officer Illegally Migrates to Italy

Falcon powers – In a new indicator of the deepening crisis in Tunisia, a Tunisian police officer who headed a police station has joined his family in an illegal migration journey to Italy. What are the circumstances surrounding this case?

In an unusual move, the head of a police station in Tunisia reached the shores of Italy as part of the waves of irregular migration departing from Tunisian coasts.

The police officer’s case caused a stir in Tunisian media and social media platforms with the news of his arrival in Italy. Radio Mosaique FM reported that the security officer had joined his family, who had also left Tunisia in an illegal journey a couple of weeks earlier.

The radio correspondent in Kairouan said the security officer was known for his good reputation in his region and had been working regularly until his sudden departure.

The difficult economic and social conditions in Tunisia are pushing many in various sectors to migrate, a phenomenon that is no longer limited to the unemployed.

The Tunisian National Observatory on Migration estimates that around 30,000 people leave the country annually in search of better opportunities in European Union countries, mainly by risking crossing the Mediterranean Sea.

The International Organization for Migration classifies the “Mediterranean Sea” as one of the most dangerous irregular migration routes for human life. The “Missing Migrants” platform, which the organization monitors, estimated the number of victims and missing persons since 2014 at more than 29,000.

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