The Middle East

Houthis Announce Targeting of 3 Ships, Including One American and One Israeli

Falcon powers – The Yemeni Ansar Allah movement (the Houthis) announced that it has targeted 3 ships, American, Israeli, and a third of unmentioned nationality, as well as two American destroyers, in the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea.

The Houthi military spokesman, Brigadier General Yahya Sarea, said in a statement: “The Naval Forces and the Missile Force of the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out three joint operations as follows:

– The first targeted the American ship “LAREGO DESERT” in the Indian Ocean.
– The second targeted the Israeli ship “MSC MECHELA” in the Indian Ocean.
– The third targeted the ship “MINERVA LISA” in the Red Sea for violating the ban on entry into the occupied Palestinian ports.”

The statement added: “With God’s help, the Drone Air Force targeted two qualitative American military destroyers in the Red Sea and the operations achieved their objectives successfully by God’s grace.”

The statement further said: “The Yemeni Armed Forces continue to achieve victory for the injustice of the Palestinian people until the aggression is stopped and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.”

It is worth noting that the Houthis in Yemen have been carrying out attacks in the Red Sea on Israeli ships or those heading to Israel since last November, “in support and victory for the Palestinian people and Gaza.”

They had previously announced the beginning of the fourth escalation phase against the ships “until the Mediterranean Sea” in order to support the Palestinians in Gaza.

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