
Independent Swedish Church Asks Members for Money to Enter Paradise and Chooses Their Partners!

FALCON POWERS – Sweden is a secular country at the level of state, society, and its people, but religion has a presence in some aspects through the Swedish Church. There are also other Eastern and Western churches present in Sweden, including one called “We Are One Church.” According to an investigative report by the newspaper Expressen, controversial stories have begun to emerge from several members of this church.

Members of this Swedish church revealed that they have faced significant financial and psychological pressure from church leadership, along with spiritual threats related to the devil, and interventions in their personal lives, including the selection of life partners. They also indicated that the church requested money to ensure a place for them in paradise, a term that gained popularity during the European Middle Ages through the Catholic Church.

Member Testimonials

Several members, as part of an investigation conducted by Expressen, stated that they were asked to donate ten percent of their personal cash income to the church, in addition to what the church referred to as “additional cash offerings,” to secure a place for themselves and their families in paradise.

Swedish young woman Anna (22) who recently left the church said, “I felt fear, anxiety, and enslavement, and that I was forced to pay money.” She added that the church requested them to write a list of sins, including premarital sex, yoga, and astrology. She also noted that the church refused her to visit a therapist, insisting that she continue praying and fasting to resolve her problems.

Control Over Personal Lives

Anna also pointed out that the church controls its members’ choice of marriage partners, who are often from within the congregation. Another young man, Sohaib (19), stated, “I spent most of my time on church activities and no longer saw anyone outside the church.” He added that he received warnings that his doubts and critical thoughts were the work of the devil.

Expert Comments

Peter Åkerbäck, a professor of religious sociology, commented that the “We Are One” church has practices reminiscent of secret rituals and closed groups. He emphasized that these churches tend to exert psychological control over members through religious manipulation, coercion, fear, emotional appeals, and financial obligations. He noted that these churches often operate outside the oversight of traditional religious institutions, such as the official Swedish Church, increasing the risks of extremism and deviation.

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