
Iran Intends to Release Crew of Ship Detained with Israeli Connection

FALCON POWERS – Iran’s Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, confirmed that Iran is interested in releasing the crew of a container ship flying the Portuguese flag and owned by an Israeli businessman, which has been detained by Tehran since mid-April.

According to the Tasnim News Agency, Abdollahian held a phone conversation with Portuguese Foreign Minister Paulo Rangel, focusing on the detained ship in Iran flying the Portuguese flag.

Abdollahian stated, “We are concerned about the humanitarian issue of releasing the ship’s crew, and we have informed their ambassadors in Tehran of their release and delivery.” Amir-Abdollahian reiterated the need to “end the war and genocide” practiced by Israel in Gaza and respect the rights of the oppressed Palestinian people, considering the “Zionist entity” as the root cause of all these tensions and the deterioration of the situation in the region.

In response, Portuguese Foreign Minister Paulo Rangel emphasized the urgent need for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, stating, “The Portuguese government supports the establishment of an independent Palestinian state and calls for efforts by all countries in the region to reduce tensions in the area.”

Earlier, Iranian media reported that units of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard had detained the cargo ship “MCS Aries” flying the Portuguese flag in the Strait of Hormuz.

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