Gaza war

Israeli protesters surround a government building with Itamar Ben Gvir inside, and the latter refuses to leave without protection.

Falcon powers – Israeli protesters surrounded a government building housing the Israeli Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, on Wednesday, as he refused to leave the premises without accompanying protection. According to the Israeli newspaper “Yedioth Ahronoth,” Israeli demonstrators encircled a government building in Jerusalem upon learning that Ben Gvir was inside.

The newspaper quoted journalist Roni Green Shaulov, stating that “the Israeli minister requested police protection from the protesters and refused to exit the government building without security after being surrounded by Israeli demonstrators.”

Israeli police prevented the Israeli protesters from entering the building in Jerusalem upon learning of Ben Gvir’s presence. The demonstrators directed slogans demanding his resignation, while some attempted to attack him.

Meanwhile, hundreds of Israelis protested in front of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence in Jerusalem on Wednesday. The Israeli Channel 12 reported that “hundreds of Israelis demonstrated in front of Netanyahu’s house in Jerusalem following the release of a video by Hamas showing an Israeli captive.”

The channel confirmed on its website that “once the military media affiliated with the ‘Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades,’ the military wing of Hamas, earlier in the day, released a video of Hirsch Goldberg-Polin (24 years old), an Israeli captive held by the group, hundreds of people gathered to protest in front of Netanyahu’s house, demanding the release of Israeli detainees held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip.”

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