Gaza war

Jordan and the United States are discussing the entry of aid into Gaza

Falcon powers – Jordan’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs, Ayman Safadi, received a phone call today, Friday, from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, focusing on efforts to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza and ensure sufficient aid to the region, including through Jordan.

Safadi and Blinken emphasized the priority of removing all obstacles to the adequate and immediate entry of aid into Gaza. The ministers discussed regional developments and efforts to de-escalate tensions in the area.

Safadi stressed the need to open all crossings for the entry of aid to address the humanitarian catastrophe caused by the war and the obstacles hindering the delivery and distribution of assistance in Gaza. He affirmed that Jordan is capable of sending hundreds of trucks to Gaza daily once the northern crossings are opened and the United Nations and its organizations are enabled to receive and distribute aid.

Safadi also emphasized the necessity of stopping the aggression on Gaza and warned of the catastrophic consequences of Israel launching a ground attack on Rafah. The ministers also discussed several bilateral issues.

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RaymondSwads April 23, 2024 at 2:49 am


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