
Modi attacks Muslims in a speech that receives widespread condemnation

Falconpowers – Modi’s statements, made on Sunday during an election rally in the state of Rajasthan, have stirred widespread controversy in India, with leaders of the opposition criticizing them from various political perspectives.

The Indian opposition accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of making anti-Islam remarks after he said that if he is not voted to maintain power, the opposition will divide the country’s wealth among the “intruders” and “those who have many children,” clearly referring to Muslims.

Modi’s remarks, made during an election rally in the state of Rajasthan, sparked a widespread uproar in India, with leaders of the opposition from various political orientations criticizing them.

The main opposition party in India, the Indian National Congress, rejected this accusation days after the start of the general elections.

Modi said, when referring to a statement by the Congress party, “When they were in power (referring to the opposition), they said that Muslims have the right and priority over resources. They will take your money and distribute it among those who have more children, it will be distributed among the intruders.” He continued, “Do you think that your hard-earned money should be given to intruders? Do you accept this?”

The government led by the Bharatiya Janata Party, under Modi’s leadership, has often been accused of targeting minorities in India, especially Muslims. rights groups say that minorities in India face discrimination and are subject to numerous attacks and harassment, and are forced to live as “second-class” citizens under Modi’s rule, an allegation that the Bharatiya Janata Party denies.

The first phase of the seven-phase general elections started on April 19. The results will be announced on June 4.

Modi was referring to a speech delivered by Manmohan Singh in 2006, who was the Prime Minister at the time when the Congress party was in power. Singh called for empowering minorities to participate in the development process.

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