News VarietyThe Middle East

Scientists Reshaping the Face of the “Richest Man Who Ever Lived”

FALCON POWERS – Scientists have been able to reconstruct the face of King Tutankhamun’s grandfather, Amenhotep III, using data from the mummy’s skull, for the first time in nearly 3,400 years.

Michael Habicht, an archaeologist at Flinders University in Australia, said the face looked “completely different from the pharaoh depicted in statues” – “a calm face of a man who promoted peace and lived in a time of great economic prosperity.”

He added, “He may have been one of the richest men who ever lived, at least in his time.”

It is difficult to determine the cause of death from the available remains of the pharaoh who ruled ancient Egypt at the peak of its power 3,400 years ago and was worshipped as a living god.

The pharaoh, described by one archaeologist as “one of the richest men who ever lived,” led Egypt during an unprecedented period of prosperity and international power. Research in the 1970s described Amenhotep III as an overweight, sickly, and sedentary man who was nearly bald and suffered from dental problems in the last years of his life.

While he was indeed one of Egypt’s great kings, his body length was around 156 cm, making him one of the smallest kings we know from preserved mummies.

Brazilian graphics expert Cicero Moraes, who brought the face to life, said the reconstruction process started by digitally recreating the pharaoh’s skull using images and data from the mummy. Additional data from living donors was then used to determine the likely dimensions and positioning of the king’s nose, ears, eyes, and lips.

Moraes said, “Based on historical knowledge, Amenhotep III had a robust appearance, so we used data from individuals with a high body mass index.”

He added, “If we’re not mistaken, this is the first close approximation of Amenhotep III’s face.” The British Daily Mail quoted the Brazilian artist as saying, “Compared to the other approximate estimates of pharaohs I have participated in, this was also the most complete, as we designed the clothing and accessories.”

He added, “We were amazed by the final result. Seeing a complete bust in these colors and the clarity of the face is perfectly satisfying (…) It is our gift to all those who appreciate history.”

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