Gaza warThe Middle East

Spain, Norway, and Ireland: Tomorrow we will officially recognize the State of Palestine

Falcon powers – The Foreign Ministers of Spain, Ireland, and Norway called for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the immediate allowance of humanitarian aid.

Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares, during a joint press conference held with his Irish and Norwegian counterparts today, Monday, in the Belgian capital Brussels, said that the three countries will officially announce tomorrow, Tuesday, the recognition of the State of Palestine.

Albares affirmed that all the decisions of the International Court of Justice are binding on all parties, and that Israel must stop its operation in Rafah, noting that the bombing of the city of Rafah occurred after the decision of the International Court of Justice, which calls for raising our voice to support international law, and I will ask other European ministers to support the work of the court.

In turn, Irish Foreign Minister Micháel Martin said that the international community, including the European Union, have been talking about supporting the two-state solution on the basis of June 4, 1967 for decades, but we have not come close to this solution.

He pointed out that some have portrayed our decision regarding the recognition of the State of Palestine as an action that imposes a result on the parties, and others have described it as a reward for terrorism, which we firmly assert is far from that, as we recognize the Palestinian and Israeli states because we want to see a future in which relations between the two peoples are normalized.

He explained that the three countries are focusing on how to contribute to concrete steps to ensure the Palestinians’ right to self-determination and the implementation of the two-state solution.

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