Economy & BusinessThe Middle East

Sudanese official: The West ignores Sudan due to its politicization of the humanitarian situation

FALCONPOWERS – Dr. Jibril Ibrahim, the leader of the Justice and Equality Movement and Sudan’s Minister of Finance, has stated that the industrial sector in Sudan has been the most affected by the ongoing war. He highlighted that it has been completely destroyed or disrupted, along with the commercial sector. According to Dr. Ibrahim, the war and the humanitarian situation have led to a decline in revenues.

Regarding humanitarian support provided to Sudan during the current war, Dr. Ibrahim praised Gulf countries, Egypt, Algeria, and Turkey for their assistance. However, he criticized Western societies for their neglect of the situation in Sudan, stating that they have not provided significant aid. He believes that the Western society politicizes the humanitarian situation in Sudan and uses the war’s challenges as an excuse to cover up their shortcomings.

Dr. Ibrahim mentioned that a portion of Sudan’s gold exports still go to Dubai, despite the strained relations with the United Arab Emirates. He explained that some private sector exporters have a desire to continue this trade. However, Sudan is seeking alternatives and new markets in this regard, and a significant shift is expected in the near future.

Regarding the agreement between Sudan and the United Arab Emirates to establish the Abu Amama Port on the Red Sea in Sudan, Dr. Ibrahim stated that the previous agreement was just a temporary memorandum of understanding that was not binding on either party and expired. As for a report by international organizations, particularly the FAO, on famine in Sudan, the Minister of Finance attributed the causes to the lack of security, which hinders the distribution of food. He also mentioned that the available quantity of sorghum and corn exceeds the country’s needs, according to his statement.

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