Tag : cairo

Gaza war

He imposed a fee of $5,000 on every Palestinian from Gaza to exit through the Rafah Crossing!! Who is he?

FALCON POWERS – Egyptian businessman Ibrahim Al-Arjani, the head of the “Hala” tourism company he manages, admitted that the company collects financial compensation from Palestinians who want to leave the Gaza Strip. In an interview with the American newspaper The New York Times, Al-Arjani said that the “Hala” company is......
Gaza war

Armenia Announces Recognition of the Palestinian State

Falcon powers – Armenia announced on Friday that it recognizes the Palestinian state, according to a statement from the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Armenian Foreign Ministry stated on its website that Yerevan declares its recognition of the State of Palestine. The Armenian Foreign Ministry said in its statement:......
Gaza war

Anxiety in Washington: Prisoner Swap Deal Complicates, Sinwar Determined to Fight

Falcon powers – A senior US administration official said that the process of freeing hostages is likely to “complicate” the efforts of Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to secure the release of the remaining captives held by Hamas as part of a deal. According to the same senior official, quoted......
Economy & Business

The Russian Export Center confirms the importance of developing economic relations with Arab countries

Falcon powers – The Russian Export Center confirms the importance of developing economic relations with Arab countries Nikita Gusakov, the First Deputy CEO of the Russian Export Center, spoke about the importance of developing economic relations with Arab countries, noting the existence of a constructive dialogue with the UAE, Russia’s......
Economy & Business

Egypt Approves the Largest Salary and Pension Increase in its History

Falcon powers – The Speaker of the Egyptian House of Representatives, Hanafi Jabali, has given his final approval to the draft general budget for the new fiscal year 2024-2025, which includes the largest increase in salaries and pensions in the country’s history. Jabali stated during the general session of the......
Gaza warThe Middle East

Reuters: Egypt detains students for solidarity with Gaza

FALCON POWRS – The Egyptian authorities have arrested several students who were trying to promote boycott and solidarity campaigns with Palestinians, the latest sign of its unwillingness to make room for popular mobilization over the war in Gaza, despite growing official criticism of Israel. The students are among dozens detained......
Gaza war

Hebrew Website: Fears in Israel that the Egyptian Army Will Reach Tel Aviv Through Gaza Tunnels

Falcon powers – “Did Egypt assist in the Gaza tunnels to make them a potential attack route against us?”, claimed the Israeli news website nziv.net, suggesting a connection between the Gaza tunnels and the Egyptian army. The Hebrew website stated that at the beginning of the war on Gaza, a......
InternationalThe Middle East

Ship takes on water after being hit by three missiles in Red Sea

FALCON POWERS – A ship is taking on water after being hit by three missiles in the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen, maritime security firm Ambrey said on Tuesday. The Greek-owned bulk carrier has started listing but is continuing its voyage after being attacked. The Laax, sailing under the Marshall......