Tag : cairo

Gaza war

Close Associates of Netanyahu: We Do Not Intend to Hand Over the Rafah Crossing to the Palestinians

FALCON POWERS – On Tuesday, associates close to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel does not intend to hand over the Rafah crossing in southern Gaza Strip to the Palestinians, according to the Israeli Channel 12. The source explained that “12 Knesset members from the Likud party signed......
The Middle East

Funeral of the Egyptian soldier, victim of the clash with Israelis at the Rafah crossing

Falcon powers – The people of Fayoum Governorate bid farewell to the Egyptian army conscript Abdullah Ramadan Mohamed Qutb, who fell yesterday in a clash between Egyptian and Israeli forces at the Rafah crossing. Yesterday, the Egyptian army announced the killing of an Egyptian soldier on the border strip with......
Gaza warWhat then !

American writer: We have become disgusted with the Israeli narrative and why does the Egyptian regime hate Gaza to this extent?

Richard O’Neill : We did not know anything about Palestine, we did not know anything about this suffering. In Europe, we were taught that Israel is a thriving country with a democratic life that deserves to remain and protect the Jews from extremist Arabs, and it must be supported. Until......
Gaza warThe Middle East

The Israeli media is reporting that two Egyptian soldiers were killed and there is currently a state of military alert in North Sinai and near the Rafah crossing.

FALCON POWERS – The Israeli security site Walla is reporting that two Egyptian soldiers were killed in a shooting incident between the Egyptian and Israeli militaries. The Israeli media has reported that the Egyptian army opened fire on the Israeli forces near the Rafah crossing, leading to an exchange of......
Gaza warThe Middle East

Celebrations and joy in the Egyptian street after the shooting incident between the Egyptian and Israeli army

FALCON POWERS – The news of the security incident that occurred on the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip has spread like wildfire in the Arab, Egyptian, and international media, with an escalation in the Israeli military aggression towards civilians in the border city of Rafah with Egypt. The......
Gaza warThe Middle East

“Unusual Incident” Shooting Incident Between the Israeli and Egyptian Armies in Rafah

FALCON POWERS – The Israeli Channel 13 reported that an unusual incident occurred between the Israeli and Egyptian armies in Rafah, and Israel is conducting an investigation. The Israeli Channel 14 reported that Egyptian soldiers opened fire on Israeli soldiers inside the Rafah crossing, with no casualties. Israeli media outlets......
Gaza warThe Middle East

Spain, Norway, and Ireland: Tomorrow we will officially recognize the State of Palestine

Falcon powers – The Foreign Ministers of Spain, Ireland, and Norway called for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the immediate allowance of humanitarian aid. Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares, during a joint press conference held with his Irish and Norwegian counterparts today, Monday, in the Belgian......

Wall Street Journal: The Egyptian Army Mobilizes Forces Along the Border with Gaza Strip

FALCON POWERS – The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, that according to Egyptian officials, the Israeli occupation army controls about 70% of the Philadelphi Corridor separating Gaza and Egypt, and plans to take control of the border by the end of the current month. According to......
InternationalNews Variety

Did Meta really leak WhatsApp user information to the Israeli military?

Falcon powers – The Digital Violation Monitoring and Documentation Center “Sada Social” called for an urgent and immediate investigation into Meta’s leaking of WhatsApp user data to the Israeli military. Our correspondent reported that the center is following “the objection of a number of Meta (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger, and......
Economy & Business

An Egyptian official confirms an increase in Russia’s share in wheat supply to Egypt

Falcon powers – Akram Hussein al-Shafei, a member of the board of directors of the Egyptian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said that Russia’s share of Egypt’s wheat imports has risen to 68%, compared to around 55% the previous year. According to him, Russia and Ukraine account for 80% of......