Tag : google


European election tests an unpopular government and a scandal-hit far-right party in Germany

Falcon powers – An unpopular government with a reputation for constant infighting. An economy stuck in a rut. A strong far-right party that has been embarrassed by its leading candidate and alienated its European allies. And a mainstream opposition still working on its recovery. German politics are in a disgruntled,......
Gaza war

The German Embassy in Cairo conducts intelligence investigations with visa applicants from Gaza residents

Falcon powers – Diplomatic sources revealed that the German Embassy in the Egyptian capital Cairo has turned into a center for investigation and gathering intelligence information about the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip in coordination between the Berlin intelligence and the Israeli occupation. The sources explained that the German......
Asylum & Migration

Swedish Government: Laws to Deport Criminals and Gang Members Without Conviction

FALCON POWERS – The Swedish government has announced plans to tighten laws against residents in Sweden who pose a threat to Sweden’s security. According to the Swedish Minister of Justice, the Swedish government is seeking to deport gang criminals and members of criminal networks without convicting them of a crime.......
News Variety

Google takes down incorrect AI answer that says Obama was first Muslim US president

FALCON POWERS – Google on Friday said that it had taken down an incorrect answer provided by a new artificial intelligence feature that stated Barack Obama was the first Muslim US president. The answer in the “AI Overview” summary on the search engine showed up when users asked “how many Muslim presidents has the US......
Economy & Business

OpenAI’s Sam Altman vows to give away most of his wealth through the Giving Pledge

  FALCON POWERS – OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and his husband have become the newest billionaires to sign the Giving Pledge, a charity that encourages the ultra-rich to donate their wealth to philanthropic causes. In their letter, released Tuesday, Altman and husband Oliver Mulherin credited “the hard work, brilliance, generosity, and dedication......

Spanish Defense Minister: What is Happening in Gaza is a Real Genocide

FALCON POWERS – The Spanish Defense Minister, Margarita Robles, confirmed today, Saturday, that the war on the Gaza Strip is a “real genocide,” amid deteriorating relations between “Israel” and Spain after Madrid’s decision to recognize the Palestinian state. Robles said during an interview with the official TV channel “TVE”: “We......

Biden Highlights the Importance of America’s Commitment to Israel and Ukraine

FALCON POWERS – U.S. President Joe Biden highlighted the crucial role of American support for allies around the world, including Israel, Ukraine, and the Indo-Pacific region, in a speech he gave on Saturday at the commencement ceremony of the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, New York. The speech, delivered......
News Variety

How to Overcome Social Media Addiction and Stop Comparing Our Lives to Others

FALCON POWERS – Many of us spend long hours browsing social media sites, and some may even become addicted. Others can fall into the trap of feeling sadness, anxiety, anger, or even envy when seeing the seemingly perfect lives of their friends through their various posts, videos, and photos of......