Lebanon and Gaza War

Israeli Minister: The Intelligence Failure on October 7 is “Extremely Heavy”

FALCON POWERS – Avi Dichter, the Israeli Minister of Agriculture and former head of the General Security Service “Shin Bet”, said on Friday that the Israeli intelligence failure in predicting the attack on October 7 last year was “extremely heavy”. Dichter said in an interview with the Maariv newspaper: “The......
Lebanon and Gaza War

Blinken to Visit Israel Next Week Against the Backdrop of Failure to End the Gaza War

Falcon powers – Hebrew sources said on Friday that US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is expected to visit Israel early next week, against the backdrop of the failure to reach an agreement leading to the release of prisoners and the end of the war. The Hebrew newspaper “Israel Today”......
The Middle East

Hebrew Media: New Decisions by the Israeli Army in Preparation for War with Hezbollah

Falcon powers – Hebrew media outlets revealed on Thursday that the Israeli army has decided, according to its assessment of the situation, to postpone the implementation of the decision to reduce the reserve forces in the Northern Command for several weeks. The Maariv newspaper wondered whether the Israeli army’s decision......
Lebanon and Gaza War

The Occupation Army Expects the Rafah Operation to End in Late June

FALCON POWERS – The Israeli army stated in a statement on Wednesday that it expects the incursion operation in the Rafah area in the southernmost part of the Gaza Strip to end in late June. According to the Hebrew Channel Kan, a military source confirmed that the upcoming stages of......
The Middle East

“Harfish”: Two Israeli soldiers killed, 24 injured in drone attack launched from Lebanon

FALCON POWERS – Two Israeli soldiers were killed, and 24 others were injured in the town of Harfish in the western Galilee, northern occupied Palestine, as a result of an explosion of a drone launched from Lebanon, according to Israeli reports. Israeli media reported that two Israeli soldiers were killed......
Lebanon and Gaza WarThe Middle East

Hezbollah Burns the North – Fires Consume Around 4,000 Dunams

Falcon powers – Israeli firefighting teams continued their efforts on Tuesday morning to control the massive fires that broke out near settlements and military sites in the Upper Galilee and the Golan, caused by rockets fired by the Lebanese Hezbollah. The newspaper Israel Today reported “Hamas fires towards the South,......

Northern Settlements Burn… How has Israeli Failure Spread from Gaza to the Northern Front?

Falcon powers – The northern front is witnessing a significant escalation and expansion of the flames between the Israeli occupation and Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. The Israeli reports say that northern “Israel” witnessed the most intense attacks launched by the Lebanese Hezbollah since October 8, 2023, with strict censorship by......

Iran Considers Sweden’s Statements “Malicious” and Summons the Swedish Chargé d’Affaires in Tehran

Falcon powers – On Sunday, Iran summoned the temporary Swedish chargé d’affaires in Tehran to protest what it described as “malicious and inaccurate accusations” made by the Swedish government against Iran, which allegedly indicate that Tehran is using “criminal gangs” to attack Israel and its interests in Sweden. The Iranian......
Lebanon and Gaza WarWhat then !

The Guardian: Netanyahu continues to insult Biden… and the latest plan reveals the lack of American influence in the region

Falcon powers – The Guardian’s Washington correspondent Julian Borger said that US President Joe Biden’s unsuccessful ceasefire plan reveals his lack of influence. When Biden announced on Friday that a ceasefire in Gaza may be near, Benjamin Netanyahu’s harsh response came quickly. Borger said that President Biden made the comments......