Tag : media


Ukraine Braces for Fierce Battles as Russia Carves Out ‘Buffer Zone’ in Kharkiv

FALCON POWERS – On Friday, the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces warned of “fierce battles” looming on the new war front in the Kharkiv region in the northeast of the country, as Russian President Vladimir Putin said Moscow is carving out a “buffer zone” there. Last Friday, Russian forces......
News VarietyThe Middle East

Scientists Reshaping the Face of the “Richest Man Who Ever Lived”

FALCON POWERS – Scientists have been able to reconstruct the face of King Tutankhamun’s grandfather, Amenhotep III, using data from the mummy’s skull, for the first time in nearly 3,400 years. Michael Habicht, an archaeologist at Flinders University in Australia, said the face looked “completely different from the pharaoh depicted......

Sweden is not a Christian country, nor are Swedes Christian

Falcon powers – Sweden is not a Christian country, nor are Swedes Christian in the traditional religious sense. Sweden is a secular country, and Swedish society is largely non-religious in its laws and customs. However, Sweden and Swedes still maintain a historical Christian cultural presence. Sweden is one of the......

Thousands evacuated from Kharkiv region in Ukraine

Falcon powers – Approximately 40% of the people evacuated from the northern borders of the Kharkiv region have been sheltered, and around 5,000 people arrived at the distribution center in Kharkiv within a week of the evacuation. They were provided with food and basic necessities. The Sitnikov family from Vovchansk......
Lebanon and Gaza War

Half-Ton Bomb Drops from Israeli Plane onto Settlement Near Gaza

Falcon powers – The Israeli military has announced that a half-ton bomb fell from an air force plane onto one of the settlements in the Gaza envelope, without exploding. Hebrew sources said that the bomb that fell on the Yitad kibbutz inside the Gaza envelope settlements did not explode “fortunately,”......

Historic Decision…Spain Bans Ships Carrying Weapons for Israel from Docking at its Ports

Falcon powers – Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares said on Friday that Spain will not allow ships carrying weapons for Israel to dock at its ports, after Spain refused to allow a ship to dock at the port of Cartagena in southeastern Spain. Albares added that the ship was......
Lebanon and Gaza War

Return of Military Rule… Document Reveals “Shocking” Cost of Restoring Israeli Military Rule in Gaza

Falcon powers – The Israeli Ministry of Defense requested estimates of the cost that Israel would incur from restoring Israeli military rule in the Gaza Strip the day after the war, as tensions increase between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli military leadership over this issue. The document,......