Tag : news

InternationalWhat then !

Biden: University Protests Haven’t Forced Me to Reconsider My Policies in the Region

FALCON POWERS – President Joe Biden stated on Thursday that the destruction of public property is not a form of peaceful protest, emphasizing that there is a right to protest but not a right to incite chaos. In his speech regarding the ongoing protests at American universities demanding an end......
Lebanon and Gaza War

Colombia Declares Intention to Sever Relations with Israel

FALCON POWERS – Colombian President Gustavo Petro announced on Wednesday evening his intention to sever diplomatic relations with Israel due to its war on the Gaza Strip. Petro called on countries around the world to put an end to the violations committed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, affirming that......
Lebanon and Gaza War

French Foreign Minister: Efforts Still Underway to Achieve Ceasefire in Gaza

FALCON POWERS – French Foreign Minister, Stéphane Sijilmassi, stated on Wednesday that diplomats are still working to reach a ceasefire in the war between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and to secure the release of hostages held in the Gaza Strip. Diplomatic efforts have intensified to reach......
Lebanon and Gaza WarThe Middle East

Jordan: Israeli Settlers Attack Aid Convoys Headed to Gaza

FALCON POWERS – The Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates announced on Wednesday that extremist Israeli settlers attacked two Jordanian aid convoys en route to the Gaza Strip. The ministry stated in a statement that both convoys completed their mission and reached their destinations inside the besieged enclave. Without......