Tag : Retail


At least 21 dead in Memorial Day weekend storms that devastated several US states

Falcon powers – A series of powerful storms swept over the central and southern U.S. over the Memorial Day holiday weekend, killing at least 21 people and leaving a wide trail of destroyed homes, businesses and power outages. The destructive storms caused deaths in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Kentucky and......
News Variety

Russian Scientists Invent Sugar Substitute

Falcon powers – The sweet protein Brazin, developed by Russian biotech scientists, could potentially replace sugar in traditional products in the future, and is now in the final stages of testing. Rostislav Kovalevsky, the Director of Innovation at Efko, states that this sweet protein is expected to receive certification in......

Putin talks about the impact of the special military operation on the Russian budget

Falcon powers – Russian President Vladimir Putin has reassured about the state of the Russian budget amid the spending on defense and security, especially during the special military operation in Ukraine. In a press conference at the end of his visit to China on Friday, Putin said that “our spending......
Girls Online

If You Have These Traits, You Are Narcissistic!

Falcon powers – People who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder are called narcissists, which means they lack empathy and have a desire to assert themselves by demeaning others. Psychologist Agar Kanieva, in an interview with Gazeta.Ru, says, “It is difficult to recognize people who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder when......
Economy & BusinessEuropean

Ministers of Germany, Brazil, South Africa and Spain: why we need a global tax on billionaires

FALCON POWERS – hen the governors of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund convened for the spring meetings last week, it was all about the really big questions. What can the international community do to accelerate decarbonisation and fight climate change? How can highly indebted countries retain fiscal......

Poland demands explanation after accusing Russia of violating its airspace

Poland has demanded an explanation from Moscow after saying a Russian cruise missile aimed at Ukraine entered its territory. “On March 24 at 4:23 a.m., there was a violation of Polish airspace by one of the cruise missiles launched tonight by the long-range aviation of the Russian Federation,” the Operational......