Tag : sudia

InternationalNews VarietyThe Middle East

First Swimwear Fashion Show in Saudi Arabia

FALCON POWERS – On Friday, a fashion show featuring swimwear was held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, marking an unprecedented event in the Gulf country where women were previously not allowed to leave their homes without wearing black abayas. The models showcased swimwear designed by Moroccan fashion designer Yasmina......
News Variety

Russian Scientists Invent Sugar Substitute

Falcon powers – The sweet protein Brazin, developed by Russian biotech scientists, could potentially replace sugar in traditional products in the future, and is now in the final stages of testing. Rostislav Kovalevsky, the Director of Innovation at Efko, states that this sweet protein is expected to receive certification in......

Putin talks about the impact of the special military operation on the Russian budget

Falcon powers – Russian President Vladimir Putin has reassured about the state of the Russian budget amid the spending on defense and security, especially during the special military operation in Ukraine. In a press conference at the end of his visit to China on Friday, Putin said that “our spending......

What do we know about the Vietnamese billionaire sentenced to death for a $44 billion fraud?

FALCON POWERS – The trial of a Vietnamese billionaire is considered one of the most sensational ever, fitting for one of the largest banking fraud schemes the world has ever seen. Behind the grand yellow facade of the colonial-era courthouse in Ho Chi Minh City, the 67-year-old Vietnamese property developer......

In pictures: Northern Lights dazzle around the world

Falcon powers – Large parts of the world got a rare glimpse of the Northern Lights on Friday night, after one of the strongest geomagnetic storms to hit Earth for years. These events increase chances of the lights being visible, and the last time there was such a strong storm......
Girls Online

If You Have These Traits, You Are Narcissistic!

Falcon powers – People who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder are called narcissists, which means they lack empathy and have a desire to assert themselves by demeaning others. Psychologist Agar Kanieva, in an interview with Gazeta.Ru, says, “It is difficult to recognize people who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder when......
Gaza war

Slovenian Foreign Minister: Closure of Rafah Crossing a “Disaster”

Falcon powers – The Slovenian Foreign Minister has condemned the continued closure of the Rafah Crossing from the Palestinian side for the fifth consecutive day, describing it as a disaster. During a joint press conference with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry on Sunday, Slovenian Foreign Minister Tania Fajon affirmed that......

Sullivan: Washington Requires Saudi Arabia to Normalize Relations with Israel in Exchange for Defense Agreement with the Kingdom

Falcon powers – According to Sullivan, “the cake cannot be divided,” as one piece cannot be separated from the others.US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has affirmed that Washington will not agree to a defense agreement with Riyadh unless there is a normalization agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel. Sullivan......