Tag : #war


Russian Deputy Defense Minister Arrested on Suspicions of Bribery

FALCON POWERS – A Russian investigative committee has reported the arrest of Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov on suspicion of accepting bribes. Law enforcement agencies, according to the TASS news agency, will seek to arrest Deputy Defense Minister Ivanov. The press secretary of President Dmitry Peskov clarified that President Vladimir......
Gaza warThe Middle East

American media confirms, while Egypt denies: Reports of discussions between the Israeli and Egyptian sides regarding the invasion of Rafah!!

FALCON POWERS – Egyptian Intelligence Chief, Diaa Rashed, categorically denied the claims published in an American newspaper regarding alleged discussions between Egypt and Israel regarding Israel’s planned invasion of Rafah. Rashed affirmed Egypt’s consistent and publicly declared position, which has been reiterated by the political leadership, of unequivocally rejecting such......
Asylum & MigrationInternational

Jimmy Åkesson: Israeli settlers have the right to life, and our country is open to them at any time!

FALCON POWERS – In a serious leak from a Swedish official considered one of the most instigators against Arabs and Muslims in Sweden, Jimmy Åkesson, leader of the “Sweden Democrats” party, said that Israel is an oasis of freedoms in the Middle East, and its people are civilized and strong.......
Gaza war

An Israeli newspaper refutes Israel’s “arguments” that it used to justify the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh’s sons.

Falconpowers – The Hebrew newspaper “Haaretz” refuted Israel’s claim that the sons of Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of Hamas, were on their way to carry out a “terrorist activity.” The newspaper considered these allegations “unacceptable” and stated that Hamas mourned the deaths of seven of Haniyeh’s......
Gaza war

Washington: We are unaware of the timing of the invasion of Rafah!

Falconpowers- The spokesperson for the US State Department, Matthew Miller, said on Monday that the United States was not informed about the date of the Israeli invasion of Rafah in southern Gaza. This statement came after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed the scheduling of the operation.Miller added that Washington......
Gaza war

The Israeli army is fleeing from Khan Yunis after the killing of a number of its soldiers!

Falconpowers- ( Gaza) – Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant stated that the Israeli forces, which withdrew from the Gaza Strip on Sunday, did so in preparation for future operations, including in the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. During a meeting with military officials, Galant, as quoted in a......

According to CNN, the United States expects a major Iranian attack on Israel next week.

Falconpowers- The US is on high alert and actively preparing for a “significant” attack that could come as soon as within the next week by Iran targeting Israeli or American assets in the region in response to Monday’s Israeli strike in Damascus that killed top Iranian commanders, a senior administration......