Economy & Business

The Nigeria-Morocco Gas Pipeline Project, a Catalyst for Regional Economic Development and a Bridge Between the African and European Continents

FALCON POWERS – Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, Leila Benali, affirmed in the House of Representatives on Monday that the Morocco-Nigeria gas pipeline project is a catalyst for regional economic development and for creating economic integration between the countries involved, as well as a link between the African and European continents.

During the weekly oral questions session, the Minister reviewed the progress of this strategic project, which was launched by His Majesty King Mohammed VI and former Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari. She indicated that “most of the feasibility studies and engineering design studies have been completed, as well as the determination of the optimal pipeline route that will be connected to the Maghreb-Europe gas pipeline.”

The Minister also mentioned that “ongoing field assessment studies and environmental and social impact studies” are underway. She highlighted that the capacity of this strategic project, launched by His Majesty King Mohammed VI and former Nigerian President Buhari, will reach 30 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year, while the total investment envelope is estimated at around $25 billion. She noted that “a set of memoranda of understanding were signed between 2022 and 2023.”

Regarding the governance and management of the project, the Minister said that “the project company (SPV – Special Purpose Vehicle) will be responsible for the financing, construction and operations related to the gas pipeline after the feasibility studies.”

After indicating that the development of the Morocco-Nigeria gas pipeline goes through three phases, the first of which is “Senegal – Mauritania – Morocco,” the Minister emphasized the role of natural gas as a key axis in Morocco’s energy transition strategy.

Ms. Benali also mentioned the signing, last March, of a strategic agreement protocol between the Ministries of Interior, Economy and Finance, Equipment and Water, and Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, to launch the roadmap for gas infrastructure.

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