Lebanon and Gaza WarThe Middle East

Unveiling the Arab-American Plan for the Day After the War

Falcon powers- US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken discussed the “Day Af

ter” plan on the sidelines of the economic conference in Riyadh about two weeks ago with representatives from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and the Palestinian Authority, according to the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar.

According to the newspaper, the vision agreed upon with Blinken is divided into two phases, the objectives of which cannot be achieved without the realization of the first. According to the document, the first phase stipulates:

1) The urgent need to cease fire in Gaza.

2) Achieving the requirements for international recognition of the State of Palestine.

3) Israel’s acceptance of the return of the Palestinian Authority to Gaza.

4) Release of hostages and release of Palestinian prisoners with facilitation from the US administration (exchange deal).

5) Formation of a reform government for the Palestinian Authority (technocrats), in addition to a “technocratic committee” to rebuild Gaza with Arab authorization.

The second phase of the plan depends on the achievement of the first, and will include the rehabilitation of the Gaza Strip with the disarmament of Hamas, and a return to negotiations with Israel on long-term issues, including the issue of refugees and the status of Jerusalem, and the settlements outside the 1967 borders.
According to the document, the objectives of the second phase are:

1) Launching the peace process, including (normalization) with Saudi Arabia.

2) Rehabilitation and reconstruction of Gaza.

3) Returning to the final status negotiations (final status issues which are: refugees, Jerusalem, settlements, and the state).

4) Activating the “Palestinian Liberation Organization” and internal Palestinian reconciliation, including disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, and the integration of “Hamas”.

Regarding the fourth and final item in the second phase, it clearly and unambiguously stipulates the necessity of dissolving the “Hamas” movement, both its political and military wings, replacing its rule in the Gaza Strip with the Palestinian Authority, and working to integrate its political body into the “Palestinian Liberation Organization”, and dissolving the military wing and integrating its elements within the Authority’s employees in the sector.

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