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World Password Day – How Are Smartphones Hacked?

FALCON POWERS – The world celebrates World Password Day on May 6th every year, a commemoration that has been recorded in annual celebrations since 2013. This initiative to celebrate the day was launched by Intel Security.

It is considered one of the awareness celebrations that encourage people on how to protect their phones or private accounts from hacking, so that they do not become victims of theft through their phone or social media accounts. Some notice changes in their phone without knowing the reason behind it, after which they will become victims of people who rely on stealing personal photos, especially from women’s phones, and using them against them to make money.

On the occasion of World Password Day, the following report will inform you of some indicators that suggest your phone has been hacked.

Usually, hackers use some illegal tricks to help them hack phones. One of the common methods is sending a file either in a text message or posting it on social media pages.

As soon as you click on this electronic file, your phone will be in their hands easily, through the ability to browse messages, view WhatsApp conversations, photos, videos, and more.

How do you notice if your phone has been hacked?

There are some indicators that reveal that your phone has been hacked:

Phone battery drain
One of the tricks that indicate your phone has been hacked is the rapid depletion of the battery, even when it is fully charged. This is due to the operation of hacking programs by the person who carried out this hack. They often target Android devices, by knowing all the information, data, and photos present on the phone. If you notice this indicator more than once on your phone, but don’t wait more than a day, you should clear all the apps and try to delete all the information and photos on the phone.

To avoid falling into this problem, it is preferable not to download unofficial applications or those found in the store, in order to protect the phone from hacking.

Receiving some mysterious messages
One of the indicators that indicate the phone has been hacked is the receipt of some mysterious and suspicious messages from different accounts.

In this case, you should change the password of the email account present on the electronic accounts, especially those on the store, so that it does not become the means that exposes the phone to hacking.

Password Registration

You will notice on social media sites or when shopping online that there are some questions related to your personal data, in addition to requesting your password.

Hackers usually use these tricks to hack into your phone or account on social media sites. Additionally, registering your personal information such as your address or job, is used against you for the purpose of imposing a financial fine.

How to Protect Your Phone from Hacking

Do not download unverified applications, you should always buy or download them on your phone’s app store. Rely on complex passwords that are difficult for hackers to guess easily, in addition to not registering your personal information on some websites of unknown identity.

Do not click on unknown electronic files, so as not to fall into the trap of hackers. Make sure of the source of these messages before opening them. It is preferable not to leave personal photos, especially for girls, so that hacking does not occur and you are then threatened for money.

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